Tel: +86-134 3091 8656
Skype: fashionjewelry99
Q1: How do I place an order ?
A: If you love something on the website, you can click "contact us" and find the sales, you can send email or call she/he directly.
Did not find any items you like on website ? Don't worry, contact sales and get more designs. Or you can send OEM/ODM designs to us.
Q2: Do you have a range of stock items for sale?
All of our products are designed and made according to customer's demand. Hence, we have no standard lines available from stock.
Q3: Are you a manufacture?
Yes, we have own factory and have been in providing professional solutions in jewelry producing over 3 years.
Q4: How do you ship the finished production?
1)By DHL, FedEx, UPS and so on. 2)Freight forwarder designated by customer.
Q5: What is your minimum order quantity?
The MOQ is depends on the designs and crafts.